Still image from Public Service Announcement about Healthcare.gov featuring President Barack Obama. Buzzfeed, February 2015 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kn7Z7bvLhng)

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in a staged photograph at a campaign rally in Orlando, Florida, 21 September 2016. Photograph by Barbara Kinney (https://www.flickr. com/photos/hillaryclinton/29845603875; cf. http://time.com/4508252/hillary-clinton-epic-selfie/)

Mark Zuckerberg, founder & CEO of Facebook, at his keynote speech at the Mobile World Congress 2016 in February of that year in Barcelona, Spain. (https://www.facebook.com/zuck/ posts/10102665126861201?pnref=story)

Premiere of ‘Bwana Devil,’ the first full-length color 3D film, by J.R. Eyerman for LIFE Magazine, c. December 1952. This image was controversially cropped and repurposed for the cover of the 1983 of Guy Debord‘s ‘The Society of the Spectacle.’ (cf. http://aphelis.net/cover-debord-so- ciety-spectacle/)

‘Palais Garnier. Paris, France. The Phantom of the Mirror.’ (2013) Mario Santamaria, from the series ‘Trolling Google Art’ (http://www.mariosantamaria.net/trolling.html)

Film still from ‘2001: A Space Odyssey’ (1968), directed by Stanley Kubrick

Kim Kardashian, selfie with presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and Kanye West, August 2015 (cf. http://people.com/tv/hillary-clinton-talks-taking-selfies-with-kim-kardashian-on-el- len-degeneres-show/)

German Chancellor Angela Merkel posing for a selfie in September 2015 with Syrian refugee Anas Modamani, who was falsely linked to terrorism when this image was later accompanied viral (fake) news reports on Facebook. (https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/06/business/syria-refu- gee-anas-modamani-germany-facebook.html)

Film still from ‘Rear Window‘ (1954), directed by Alfred Hitchcock

Still image from ‘The Entire History of You’ (2011), an episode of the British science fiction anthology series Black Mirror.

Vievu police body-worn camera (cf. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/06/nyregion/nypd-body-cameras.html)

Film still from ‘Her’ (2013), directed by Spike Jonze

Film still from ‘A Clockwork Orange’ (1971), directed by Stanley Kubrick

Still images from video footage of the forcible removal of passenger David Dao from United Express Flight 3411, on 9 April 2017. (https://twitter.com/Tyler_Bridges/status/851228695360663552; https://twitter.com/JayseDavid/status/851223662976004096

The Blue Marble: Earth as seen from Apollo 17 on 7 December 1972. One of the most reproduced images, an “updated” 2002 composite image was the default lock-screen image on the first iPhone. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Blue_Marble; https://qz.com/192700/the-guy-who-created-iphones-earth-image-explains-why-he-needed-to-fake-it/)

A September 2012 “space selfie” by Japanese astronaut Akihiko Hoshide went viral when another astronaut posted it to Twitter one year later. Hat-tip to Nicholas Mirzoeff, who juxtaposes Hoshide‘s photograph with the Blue Marble in the introduction to his 2015 book ‘How to See the World.’ (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_selfie#cite_note-15; cf. https://www.pelican-books.com/how-to-see-the-world/introduction)

On 16 April 2017, “Facebook Killer” Stephen Stevens posted a video of himself fatally shooting Robert Godwin, Sr., in Cleveland, Ohio. (http://time.com/4742204/steve-stephens-cleveland-shooting-facebook/)

On 19 December 2016, off-duty police officer Mevlut Mert Altintas shouted “Don’t forget Aleppo! Don’t forget Syria” when he fatally shot Andrei Karlov, the Russian ambassdor to Turkey, at an art gallery reception in Ankara. AP photographer Burhan Ozbilici happened to capture the scene. (https://www.apnews.com/eadca282d5d341a79bb464bbadc4fa11; https://twitter.com/sahmetsahmet/status/810910237263851520)

TED curator Chris Anderson onstage at the conference in March 2014, with whistleblower Edward Snowden joining him remotely from exile in Russia via Beam telepresence robot. (https://www.ted.com/talks/edward_snowden_here_s_how_we_take_back_the_internet; https://www.wired.com/2014/06/inside-edward-snowdens-life-as-a-robot/)

Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales takes a photograph with the infamous “monkey selfie” in August 2014. The disputed image was captured by a macaque with equipment owned by photographer David Slater, who lost his claim to the copyright. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monkey_selfie_copyright_dispute)

At left, a protoype of Nissey Privacy Visor, a counter-surveillance device that uses a titanium mesh to confuse facial-recognition systems. At right, an advertisement for Snap Spectacles. (https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2016/05/13/national/privacy-glasses-thwart-face-recognition-tech/#.WefiJNPfrMU)

At left: Best known for for his ‘facial camouflage’ concept CV Dazzle, artist/designer Adam Harvey has also developed speculative ‘Stealth Wear,’ such as this anti-drone burqa, which protects against thermal imaging technologies. (https://ahprojects.com/projects/stealth-wear/) At right: How, exactly, did Jennifer Lopez shape the web as we know it today? To put it crudely, a pair of software engineers were indirectly inspired by her shape — specifically as it was clad in a green Versace dress at the 2000 Grammy Awards. So goes the origin story of Google Image Search, which was born out of what was then the most popular search query the company had ever seen. (https://www.project-syndicate.org/commentary/google-european-commission-and-disruptive-technological-change-by-eric-schmidt-2015-01)

Composite image from the Basilica of St. Mark in Venice, from the series ‘Look at Me Closer’ by the Japanese architect and designer Tomotosi (https://www.designboom.com/art/tomotosi-look-at-me-closer-series-03-21-2017/)

Twitter user Michael Sippey spotted a billboard for Spectacles just prior to the unveiling of Snapchat's first hardware product in September 2017. (https://twitter.com/sippey/status/778073369660973057)